Permanent Mole Treatment


Our Clinic is your trusted destination for safe and effective permanent mole treatment. Our process begins with a thorough consultation, during which our experienced dermatologists assess the mole's characteristics and discuss suitable treatment options. We offer two primary methods for permanent mole removal: non-invasive laser removal and surgical excision for larger or potentially concerning moles. Our state-of-the-art laser technology precisely targets pigmented cells, allowing moles to fade naturally. Surgical excision is performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort and ensure minimal scarring. Our team provides post-treatment care instructions for a smooth recovery. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor your healing progress and ensure the mole is permanently removed. At Venkateswara Laser Dental Clinic, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction, helping you achieve clear and flawless skin with our expert mole treatment services.

Don't Hesitate To Contact us

Our opening hours are longer than many other practices, and we do our best to accommodate same-day appointment.