Full Mouth Rehabilitation


A lost smile doesn’t need to stay that way. Deteriorating teeth alter not just your confidence but the way you talk and interact with others. You’ve taken the first step; let’s take the rest together.

All-on-four technique

Also known as the All-on-four technique, this is one of the most popular ways to restore your full top or bottom jaw of missing teeth. The denture is fixed onto 4 implants which have been strategically placed into your jaw bone. This denture can be removed by your denture for routine checks and cleaning.

Removable Implant Supported Overdentures

This option is similar to the fixed implant option where there are a few dental implants firstly placed into the jaw bone. However, these implants are then all joined by a bar, onto which the overdenture clicks and is supported. This overdenture can be removed for cleaning every night.

Implant Stabilised Dentures

Good dental hygiene is critical in keeping infection at bay. Non-smokers and patients with good oral hygiene habits put themselves in a much better position for a full and fast recovery. Smokers will typically be encouraged to stop smoking beforehand to improve the odds of successful surgery. If properly constructed and cared for, most dental implants should last a lifetime.


    Are you tired of putting up with ill-fitting dentures and sore gums? Losing teeth can cause psychological and emotional trauma to many people.

  • Your bite will change
  • Your remaining teeth drift into the newly formed spaces
  • The jaw bone resorbs and becomes weaker over time
  • Your facial muscles lose support from the bone, resulting in an aged appearance
  • Increased expenses with adhesives for dentures being costly. Plus wearing dentures can cause more problems with chewing and digesting food properly

Don't Hesitate To Contact us

Our opening hours are longer than many other practices, and we do our best to accommodate same-day appointment.