Microblading & Lip Pigmentation Treatment


Semi-permanent makeup is a general term that implies a number of different procedures that result in permanent markings on the face that look like a specific makeup product was applied. The prefix semi stands for the short term effects of these permanent makeup treatments that usually last for a couple of years (1-3), depending on the procedure. MIRCOBLADING, EYELINER, LIP COLORING, KOREAN BB – GLOW

  • Not get them wet, use a wash cloth to wipe around the area until it flakes off, this usually takes between 3-7 days.
  • No hot baths, hot tubs, steam rooms, hot sun, yoga or heavy sweating.
  • TIP put the shower below your face and wash your face separately
  • Do NOT touch the area at all!

Don't Hesitate To Contact us

Our opening hours are longer than many other practices, and we do our best to accommodate same-day appointment.